39 Week Pregnancy Update with a Surprise!

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39 Week Pregnancy Update with a Surprise! | Faithful Farmwife

I have been working hard to keep y’all updated on my pregnancy with Q3 each month and I’m not stopping now! Keep reading for my 39 Week Pregnancy Update…kind of;)

39 Week Pregnancy Update…

Well guys, my 39 week pregnancy update will be just a tad different from the previous ones because…well…I’m not pregnant anymore! At 37 weeks & 2 days I went into labor and had our sweet baby #3 at 2:40 AM on July 24th. She weighed 6 lbs 8.5 oz and she was 18.5 inches long. We decided to give her a 3 part name (1 first name, 2 middles) in honor of both grandmother’s and one great grandfather. She joins big brother W (Q1) and big sister A (Q2) here on the blog as little sister R (Q3).

We were able to have maternity photos taken before she made her early appearance (they were taken one week before!) and I am so excited to share some of those with you! A (aka Q2) wasn’t feeling this photo session….Can you say “nap-time”??39 Week Pregnancy Update with a Surprise! | Faithful Farmwife

39 Week Pregnancy Update with a Surprise! | Faithful Farmwife

Y’all….this is the man that I am spending my life with….I couldn’t be happier;) There is never a dull moment with him!39 Week Pregnancy Update with a Surprise! | Faithful Farmwife 39 Week Pregnancy Update with a Surprise! | Faithful Farmwife

My Pearl girl! I tried to get some fancy smancy photos of me sitting on her back with my baby belly for this pregnancy update, but they didn’t turn out so hot….Mama didn’t have enough balance to look comfortable on horseback at all:/39 Week Pregnancy Update with a Surprise! | Faithful Farmwife

Ahh! Sweet A (Q2)!! Love this little rider of mine so much!little girl riding a horse | Faithful Farmwife

At this point W (Q1) had taken off playing with the photographers grandson, but we snapped a nice trio picture with Pearl:)Maternity Photo with Horse | Faithful Farmwife

We are all doing great and Big Brother & Sister are loving their Little Sister. Can’t wait to start including her in the blog so that you can watch her grow!



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