My name is Jess…

I have grown & raised food (and babies) on everything from a .5-acre lot to a 100-acre ranch. If you are looking for inspiration and step-by-step help to increase your sustainability no matter what amount of land you have and no matter what season you are in, then you are in the PERFECT place!

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The Homestead Management Planner

This planner is an all-in-one resource for your garden, livestock, finances, and homestead goals! It is available in landscape and portrait orientations as well as in PDF and spreadsheet format.

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Broilers: From Brooder to Butcher Course

This course will walk you through raising broilers from purchasing your first chicks to putting them in the freezer.

Get The Homemade Household->

The Homemade Household Collection:

From-scratch recipes for the kitchen, cleaning supplies, bath & body products, and for the garden & livestock.

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The Homestead Mama Apparel Line

Shirts, Tanks, Sweatshirts, and Hats for homesteading women like you!

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Read the Blog

Homemade Natural Weed Spray Recipe
DIY | Gardening | Homesteading

Homemade Natural Weed Spray Recipe

Gardening is essential to a sustainable lifestyle. While most of us really enjoy being in the garden, overgrown weeds can make it downright unpleasant. Weeds complete with your plants for nutrients, sunlight and water and they also make the likelihood of stepping on a snake or other critter much more likely. In the homestead garden…