“Hope Unfolding” by Becky Thompson- Book Review
Mama, do you feel alone? There are people (mainly little ones) all around you, but none of them see what you are feeling. None of them know how much you pour out of yourself for them. Every second of every day there is someone depending on you. They need food, clothes, water, love, a boo-boo healing kiss, hoof trimming (maybe that is just me–crazy goat lady), you get the picture. You don’t have 5 minutes to have your brain to yourself. You can’t run through your daily plan or just be still… That is where I am in my walk right now. My family is amazing and I have been so incredibly blessed with this life that I have been allowed to live, but mommin’ is tough, y’all!
Hope Unfolding
Becky Thompson’s book, “Hope Unfolding”, is an encouragement and a reminder to invite Jesus into your lonely & overwhelming moments. Becky shares several stories from her life that are relatable to almost every mother…stories of love, loss, and life in general. Her book makes it clear that we are not alone in our struggles. This is a message that I desperately needed in this phase of my life.
“Hope Unfolding” not only focuses on lifting us up as mamas, but it reminds us that before we were mamas, we were wives. Our husbands need love, encouragement, a friend, and a help mate just as badly as we do, but they often take the backseat to motherhood. This book has encouraged me to remember my husband in the midst of the mess.
In addition to being super relatable & encouraging,”Hope Unfolding” is also engaging & interactive. The end of each chapter has a call to action. A call to pray, journal, and think more deeply about the topic of the chapter. I love this aspect of the book!
Read it for Yourself
I have struggled to make time to read since baby #3 was born, but I am so glad that I found the time to read this gem! The 5 minutes of encouragment that I found within these pages each morning has been enough to keep me from going crazy. I am reminded to pray for myself and my family and that the mundane is my ministry. Motherhood is what I am called to do. That mission comes with its share of heartache and struggle, just as any other ministry would. I am not alone in these struggles and God has a purpose for my life that I just can’t see yet. If you need these reminders and encouragement like I did then check out Hope Unfolding: Grace-Filled Truth for the Momma’s Heart on Amazon!